apple concierge

apple concierge


Apple Concierge works with our property and lease partners to deliver a professional, personalised, and efficient service to ensure compliant and safe accommodation. 


Apple Concierge works with our property and lease partners to deliver a professional, personalised, and efficient service to ensure compliant and safe accommodation. 


Apple Concierge works with our property and lease partners to deliver a professional, personalised, and efficient service to ensure compliant and safe accommodation. 

Specified Accommodation

Apple and our housing service partners specialise in the delivery of the four categories of Specified accommodation where the landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease). The residents must need ‘care, support or supervision to help them live as independently as possible within the community. The ‘support’ to meet these needs must be provided by the landlord or on its behalf.

Supported Exempt Accommodation

The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered charity, CiC (community interest company) or Registered provider (Housing Association).

The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease).

The residents must need ‘care, support or supervision.’

The ‘support’ to meet these needs must be provided by the landlord or on its behalf.

Supported Exempt Accommodation

The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered charity, CiC (community interest company) or Registered provider (Housing Association).

The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease).

The residents must need ‘care, support or supervision.’

The ‘support’ to meet these needs must be provided by the landlord or on its behalf.

Supported Exempt Accommodation

The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered charity, CiC (community interest company) or Registered provider (Housing Association).

The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease).

The residents must need ‘care, support or supervision.’

The ‘support’ to meet these needs must be provided by the landlord or on its behalf.

Domestic Abuse Refuge

The landlord can be the same providers as above but can also be the local authority.

The accommodation must be used wholly or mainly for non-permanent accommodation for people who have left their homes because of domestic abuse.

There is no requirement that the resident receives care, support or supervision.

Domestic Abuse Refuge

The landlord can be the same providers as above but can also be the local authority.

The accommodation must be used wholly or mainly for non-permanent accommodation for people who have left their homes because of domestic abuse.

There is no requirement that the resident receives care, support or supervision.

Domestic Abuse Refuge

The landlord can be the same providers as above but can also be the local authority.

The accommodation must be used wholly or mainly for non-permanent accommodation for people who have left their homes because of domestic abuse.

There is no requirement that the resident receives care, support or supervision.

Managed Property

The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered charity or registered provider (Housing Association).

The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease).

The resident must need ‘care, support or supervision.’

A third party provides the ‘care, support or supervision.’

Managed Property

The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered charity or registered provider (Housing Association).

The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease).

The resident must need ‘care, support or supervision.’

A third party provides the ‘care, support or supervision.’

Managed Property

The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered charity or registered provider (Housing Association).

The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease).

The resident must need ‘care, support or supervision.’

A third party provides the ‘care, support or supervision.’


Hostel cannot be self-contained.

Care, support or supervision must be provided (not necessarily by the landlord).


Hostel cannot be self-contained.

Care, support or supervision must be provided (not necessarily by the landlord).


Hostel cannot be self-contained.

Care, support or supervision must be provided (not necessarily by the landlord).

Apple concierge is continually seeking partnerships with private landlords, care providers, property developers, housing associations, and local authorities to increase the supply of high-quality, affordable, and sustainable homes in the social housing sector. Interested in joining our rental portfolio or having properties that could benefit from our management?

apple concierge

Your Trusted Housing Partner.

Apple Concierge Ltd

3 Paper Mill Drive
B98 8QJ

0121 740 0791

© 2024 Apple Concierge Ltd. All rights reserved. UK Reg 15800819

apple concierge

Your Trusted Housing Partner.

Apple Concierge Ltd

3 Paper Mill Drive
B98 8QJ

0121 740 0791

© 2024 Apple Concierge Ltd. All rights reserved. UK Reg 15800819

apple concierge

Your Trusted Housing Partner.

Apple Concierge Ltd

3 Paper Mill Drive
B98 8QJ

0121 740 0791

© 2024 Apple Concierge Ltd. All rights reserved. UK Reg 15800819