apple concierge

apple concierge


Apple Concierge works with our property and lease partners to deliver a professional, personalised, and efficient service to ensure compliant and safe accommodation. 


Apple Concierge works with our property and lease partners to deliver a professional, personalised, and efficient service to ensure compliant and safe accommodation. 


Apple Concierge works with our property and lease partners to deliver a professional, personalised, and efficient service to ensure compliant and safe accommodation. 

Decent Homes Standard

Apple ensures a “Decent Home for All’. Apple requires our housing service partners provide above and beyond the minimum standards for the conditions of properties.

Property Quality

During the term of our partnership, Apple conducts property Compliance and quality inspections, ensuring the property remains to the highest and safest standards. These inspections will ensure you remain complaint and your residing tenants are in the safest and happiest environments.

Property Compliance FLAGE+

Apple Concierge adheres strongly to all legislation which refers to the laws and regulations governing the use and maintenance of properties. These regulations are put in place to ensure the safety and well-being of the tenants and general public. Apple prides itself on ensuring property compliance and habitability is achieved through the Decent Homes Standards and the accreditation of all FLAGE+ statutory certification requirements and property inspections through the sector standard Housing health and Safety rating System (HHSRS).

F – Fire

L – Legionella

A – Asbestos

G – Gas

E – Electrical

D – Damp

Property Compliance FLAGE+

Apple Concierge adheres strongly to all legislation which refers to the laws and regulations governing the use and maintenance of properties. These regulations are put in place to ensure the safety and well-being of the tenants and general public. Apple prides itself on ensuring property compliance and habitability is achieved through the Decent Homes Standards and the accreditation of all FLAGE+ statutory certification requirements and property inspections through the sector standard Housing health and Safety rating System (HHSRS).

F – Fire

L – Legionella

A – Asbestos

G – Gas

E – Electrical

D – Damp

Property Compliance FLAGE+

Apple Concierge adheres strongly to all legislation which refers to the laws and regulations governing the use and maintenance of properties. These regulations are put in place to ensure the safety and well-being of the tenants and general public. Apple prides itself on ensuring property compliance and habitability is achieved through the Decent Homes Standards and the accreditation of all FLAGE+ statutory certification requirements and property inspections through the sector standard Housing health and Safety rating System (HHSRS).

F – Fire

L – Legionella

A – Asbestos

G – Gas

E – Electrical

D – Damp

Intensive Housing Management

Intensive Housing Management is a term used to describe the services provided by a supported housing landlord, differentiating it from a general needs landlord. The services are provided to ensure the ongoing viability of the tenancy with respect to the needs of the tenant. Intensive Housing Management can include ordinary landlord services provided at a greater frequency or intensity than would ordinarily be provided. It can also include services which are additional to the services an ordinary landlord might provide, including (but not limited to):

Provision of minor repairs and maintenance that a tenant would be expected to do themselves in a general needs tenancy – changing lightbulbs, unblocking sinks, carrying out minor repairs. “the little jobs around the place which a reasonable tenant would do”

Provision of additional communal services that the tenant cannot perform themselves, such as gardening, window cleaning, cleaning of communal areas.

Adaptations made to the property to ensure its suitability for the tenant

Provision of accessible materials and documentation to support the tenant’s understanding of their tenancy.

24/7 contact services for repairs and general enquiries.

An increased number of inspections and property visits.

Ongoing liaison with other parties involved in the provision of care and other support services to the tenant.

Intensive Housing Management

Intensive Housing Management is a term used to describe the services provided by a supported housing landlord, differentiating it from a general needs landlord. The services are provided to ensure the ongoing viability of the tenancy with respect to the needs of the tenant. Intensive Housing Management can include ordinary landlord services provided at a greater frequency or intensity than would ordinarily be provided. It can also include services which are additional to the services an ordinary landlord might provide, including (but not limited to):

Provision of minor repairs and maintenance that a tenant would be expected to do themselves in a general needs tenancy – changing lightbulbs, unblocking sinks, carrying out minor repairs. “the little jobs around the place which a reasonable tenant would do”

Provision of additional communal services that the tenant cannot perform themselves, such as gardening, window cleaning, cleaning of communal areas.

Adaptations made to the property to ensure its suitability for the tenant

Provision of accessible materials and documentation to support the tenant’s understanding of their tenancy.

24/7 contact services for repairs and general enquiries.

An increased number of inspections and property visits.

Ongoing liaison with other parties involved in the provision of care and other support services to the tenant.

Intensive Housing Management

Intensive Housing Management is a term used to describe the services provided by a supported housing landlord, differentiating it from a general needs landlord. The services are provided to ensure the ongoing viability of the tenancy with respect to the needs of the tenant. Intensive Housing Management can include ordinary landlord services provided at a greater frequency or intensity than would ordinarily be provided. It can also include services which are additional to the services an ordinary landlord might provide, including (but not limited to):

Provision of minor repairs and maintenance that a tenant would be expected to do themselves in a general needs tenancy – changing lightbulbs, unblocking sinks, carrying out minor repairs. “the little jobs around the place which a reasonable tenant would do”

Provision of additional communal services that the tenant cannot perform themselves, such as gardening, window cleaning, cleaning of communal areas.

Adaptations made to the property to ensure its suitability for the tenant

Provision of accessible materials and documentation to support the tenant’s understanding of their tenancy.

24/7 contact services for repairs and general enquiries.

An increased number of inspections and property visits.

Ongoing liaison with other parties involved in the provision of care and other support services to the tenant.

Apple concierge is continually seeking partnerships with private landlords, care providers, property developers, housing associations, and local authorities to increase the supply of high-quality, affordable, and sustainable homes in the social housing sector. Interested in joining our rental portfolio or having properties that could benefit from our management?

apple concierge

Your Trusted Housing Partner.

Apple Concierge Ltd

3 Paper Mill Drive
B98 8QJ

0121 740 0791

© 2024 Apple Concierge Ltd. All rights reserved. UK Reg 15800819

apple concierge

Your Trusted Housing Partner.

Apple Concierge Ltd

3 Paper Mill Drive
B98 8QJ

0121 740 0791

© 2024 Apple Concierge Ltd. All rights reserved. UK Reg 15800819

apple concierge

Your Trusted Housing Partner.

Apple Concierge Ltd

3 Paper Mill Drive
B98 8QJ

0121 740 0791

© 2024 Apple Concierge Ltd. All rights reserved. UK Reg 15800819