apple concierge

apple concierge

Rents & Service Charges

Rents & Service Charges

Rents & Service Charges


At Apple we will create bespoke rents for the properties our housing service partners submit. It is one of the principal conditions of the tenancy agreement that the tenant pays the rent due. We will support the tenant to claim their full entitlement of Housing Benefit by liaising with the local authority, support provider and other organisations to help the tenant consistently pay their rent in full and on time

Our Standards

Apple and our Housing Service Partner provide additional services to its tenants, it will add service charges to the rent charged and bill these as part of the rent. Service charges are set to cover the cost of providing and managing the services that the tenant or scheme requires, and Apple endeavours to recover the full cost of HB eligible services, these may include but not limited to:

Cleaning of Communal areas

Window Cleaning

Pest Control

Heating and lighting in communal areas.

Periodic redecoration

Provision of furniture.

apple concierge

Your Trusted Housing Partner.

Apple Concierge Ltd

3 Paper Mill Drive
B98 8QJ

0121 740 0791

© 2024 Apple Concierge Ltd. All rights reserved. UK Reg 15800819

apple concierge

Your Trusted Housing Partner.

Apple Concierge Ltd

3 Paper Mill Drive
B98 8QJ

0121 740 0791

© 2024 Apple Concierge Ltd. All rights reserved. UK Reg 15800819

apple concierge

Your Trusted Housing Partner.

Apple Concierge Ltd

3 Paper Mill Drive
B98 8QJ

0121 740 0791

© 2024 Apple Concierge Ltd. All rights reserved. UK Reg 15800819